Vaccination Day at Château Bellevue de Valleyfield

Vaccination Day at Château Bellevue de Valleyfield

We are thrilled to announce that our residents at Château Bellevue de Valleyfield have happily received their first dose of vaccines on February 22, 2021. It was an exciting day for all the residents, front-line workers, and staff. Bravo! A big thank you to our...
Vaccination Day at Château Bellevue de Valleyfield

Château Bellevue de Valleyfield疫苗接种日

我们很荣幸的宣布我们公司旗下养老院Château Bellevue de Valleyfield的住户在2021年2月22日迎来了第一剂新冠疫苗。这对养老院客户、一线工作人员以及公司员工来说,是一个值得铭记的日子。...