Château Bellevue de Shawinigan老年公寓项目启动

Château Bellevue de Shawinigan老年公寓项目启动

Dura集团很自豪地宣布一个新的投资项目Château Bellevue Shawinigan正式启动,这是在Mauricie地区的第一个项目,这栋305个单元的老年公寓将于2018年春季开工,预计2019年秋季交付使用。 盛大的启动仪式于2018年1月16日周二在Shawinigan的Gouverneurs酒店举行,超过500位嘉宾出席了活动。近1小时的现场提问时间里,来宾们兴致勃勃地和管理团队交流,活动圆满成功。...

Dura Group names Nathan Xie as President & Partner

Since August 25th, the former Manager and Head of Bank of China Montreal branch, the former Assistant Vice-President of corporate banking at Bank of China New York Branch, the CFA charter holder, Mr. Na Xie, also known as Nathan Xie, officially takes the...
Dura Development was founded in Vancouver

Dura Development was founded in Vancouver

The Dura Group is proud to announce that it has partnered with Vancouver On Shore Capital to form its BC development and management arm. Joe Quan, president of On Shore capital has been elected president of Dura Development. With his many years of real estate...